
At Weehawken Creative Arts, we believe in making the transformative power of arts education accessible to all. That's why we're thrilled to offer scholarships for our classes and workshops, providing opportunities for deserving individuals to engage in our cultural and fine arts events.

  • Our scholarship fund, generously supported by donations, fluctuates each season, enabling us to offer varying levels of financial assistance. To ensure you don't miss out on these opportunities, please note the strict deadlines for each semester and adhere to them diligently.
  • Applicants may apply for scholarships covering 5-100% of tuition fees.
  • For the Fall semester, we have limited Aerial Scholarships available exclusively for Montrose students attending classes at the FlexRec.
  • It's essential for applicants to disclose any enrollment in classes with other programs during the same semester they plan to attend Weehawken classes on scholarship or financial assistance. Failure to disclose this information may impact scholarship awards in the future.
  • To apply, simply complete the online application form by the deadline specified for the Spring session.
  • Please note: If you intend to apply for a scholarship, DO NOT enroll in the class until AFTER receiving notification of a scholarship decision. Upon receipt of application, we will hold a space in the requested class pending our decision.

We offer three types of scholarships:

1. Needs-Based Scholarship Application: 

This scholarship covers up to 100% of class costs and requires completion of two essay questions and listing two references. Recipients are expected to sign up for 3 or more hours of volunteer labor per scholarship awarded. 

Click here for a needs based application

2. Nominated Needs-Based Scholarship: 

In this category, an authority figure can nominate a deserving student for up to a 100% scholarship. Recipients are limited to one dance or arts class per semester, and volunteer hours are negotiable. 

Click here for a nominated needs based application

3. Work Trade Scholarship:

This unique scholarship empowers students to actively participate in their dance education while receiving financial support. This is an opportunity for dance families needing financial assistance to contribute their skills and time while offsetting the costs of dance tuition.To apply, simply fill out our needs-based scholarship application and indicate your interest in the work trade program. Tasks may include class assisting, poster hanging, and various studio assistance roles.

Click here to access the needs-based application form and be sure to indicate your interest in the work trade program.

Additionally, we are excited to announce the Mountain Market Weehawken Dance Scholarship, specifically for deserving Ouray County students.

This scholarship is a Nominated Scholarship. In this instance, an authority figure or adult (such as a teacher, school nurse, employer, counselor, pastor, etc) can nominate a deserving and needy RIDGWAY student for up to a 100% scholarship for a particular class each semester.


The Scholarship Details:

1 student shall receive 1 FULL RIDE Weehawken Scholarship for 1 year including:
Any Required Uniform (if in ballet) & dance shoes
Tuition for 1 year (limit 1 class per semester)
4 tickets to each of the winter & spring productions.
Show fees are covered.
Registration fee is covered.


The purpose of this scholarship fund is to support people who show a demonstrated interest in Weehawken Dance and, due to their economic circumstances, are unable to pay program tuition or fees (and in some instances – even purchase basic materials to take these classes such as leotards and shoes). We take great pride in this scholarship opportunity made possible through the generous support of Mountain Market. Furthermore, we are exceptionally proud of the talented scholarship recipients who have contributed to and benefited from our programs over the years.This year, Weehawken will again provide a number of scholarships to students who would otherwise be unable to attend our programs, upon the advice of “experts” who nominate candidates who truly demonstrate a need. Please answer the following questions about the nominee. Use additional sheets of paper as necessary. We are grateful for your full and frank assistance.

Click here to nominate for the Mountain Market Scholarship

We do expect the following of ALL scholarship students:

  • 80% attendance at the class. Meaning, if more than two classes out of ten are missed (without good excused cause) it will mean that the student becomes ineligible for a scholarship in the future.
  • Three hours of volunteer help contributed for each scholarship granted, with a max of 6 hours per year per family.
  • Model student behavior – students on scholarship should act as leaders in their class. It is an honor to have a scholarship.
  • Thank you notes to whomever it concerns (Mountain Market, your nominator, etc.)

Please be aware:

  • Scholarship families are not eligible to purchase reserved (front row – more expensive) tickets to the show.
  • Students must also let us know of other extra-curricular activities they are currently involved in this semester at the time of application. (For example: participation in dance at another studio in the area, ski lessons, basketball, etc).
  • It is especially important for students who are granted Weehawken Dance Scholarships to be loyal to, and supportive of our program. Therefore, scholarship recipients and work-trade students are not permitted to participate in other dance programs without the prior approval of the Artistic Director for Dance.
Join us in nurturing talent and fostering a love for the arts through our scholarship program at Weehawken Creative Arts.